Sunday, October 6, 2013

Dream a little dream with me.....

There's something I want to share with the folks out there who are thinking of opening their own store, launching their own business, going after a dream, or doing any sort of leadership...  Or, even for those who just are "unhappy" where they are in life. It is the single most important piece of advice I have ever been given and I am putting it out there for you.

But before I do, let me get you up to speed.  It has been almost a week since we've sold "University Pickers."  The only word I know to use to describe how I feel accurately is "bittersweet."  Endings are almost always guaranteed to be painful.  I've shed my share of tears, which came creeping up on me during the most inopportune and most embarrassing of places, such as when we called our Pickers together and made the announcement we were selling, and I did "ugly cry" in front of 60+ people.  The sweet part comes from selling our business to some of the most deserving of sisters and from the excitement of what the future holds.  The experience, the friendships and knowledge we've gained is just something that you can't put a price tag on.  

For those who've been following along in our journey, the decision to sell University Pickers came from a twist that my "day job"/career took, and only after being offered a career advancement that I have been working towards for the past 5 years, although it is now leading me to Atlanta, Georgia.  Again, the "bittersweet" part.  This makes the next chapter of mine and the Mr.'s life nearly a "blank slate" and nearly "boundless" of opportunities.   I am about "stupid excited" for the next chapter.  

Now back to that important piece of advice.  Opening a store has always been a dream of mine. Opening a store that's successful was in my wildest of dreams.  Opening a store that's successful that also sold things that I am most passionate about: seemed impossible.  Now, to make a decision to sell that store to continue to pursue my 17-year career?  That sounds nearly insane!  Right?!?   

It's not when you hear my piece of advice.  

It is simple.  It is answering this question, "What do you want to be known for?"

Once you know the answer to that question, make that your #1 dream.  Everything else just becomes "bucket list" goals and dreams to pursue.  Owning and operating University Pickers was not what I set out on purpose "to be known for," although, I am super, uber proud of that piece of my life.  Instead, I have a list of things deeply personal in my mind that I want to be known for that I work towards every single day of my life.  Somedays when I lay down at night, I feel like I did a great job working towards those things, and other days, I feel I may be failing.  But, my answer to that question dictates such things as: what kind of manager I am, what kind of business owner, who I let in my life, who I quickly remove from my life, behaviors from others that I will accept or not accept, and ultimately, my happiness level.  Do not let circumstances determine your happiness.  That's like betting your happiness on the roulette table and letting some stranger spin the wheel.

With that said, the answer shouldn't be things like, "be a successful artist," "being a business owner," "becoming a mother" or "becoming a teacher," etc.  Again, those are amazing dreams, and when achieved will bring much happiness, but these are items controlled and dictated by circumstance. They should not be your end-all purpose.  Those things, unfortunately, can be taken away from you at any time.  Then you are left with what??  The answer to,  "What do you want to be known for?," should follow you where ever your life should take you, regardless to your circumstances. The answer is "transferable" from job to job, town to town.  When you define your life by "what do you want to be known for," and you make that your #1 focus in whatever "bucket list" dream you are pursuing, that's the moment you begin enjoying the "journey of life" vs enjoying only the "destination." 

Examples of just a few positive things to "be known for:"
  • being an encourager 
  • being a giver
  • lifting others up
  • loving Jesus Christ
  • using loving words during disagreements
  • being positive
  • showing people mercy and forgiveness
  • growing and developing people
  • bringing peace to conflict
  • doing all things with integrity
  • giving to people who cannot return the favor
  • bringing ideas to fruition
  • achieveing goals and overcoming obstacles
  • executing and finishing tasks when given
  • making decisions that positively impacts others
  • making positive contributions 
  • taking a stand, even if not popular
  • standing up for those who are unable to defend themselves
  • being a risk taker

Anyways, if what you have been working towards was all of a sudden taken away from you, "what do YOU want to be known for????"  Go and BE that!!!