Monday, May 27, 2013

Top 10 Leadership Lessons

Well, we just about did it!  University Pickers will be open 6 months June 5th.  What an absolute whirlwind it has been.  It's been amazing to watch people's dreams turn into fruition and succeed.  And just like anything "new" that enters into the world from the ground up, there's going to be ups and downs.  We've hand's down had much, much more UPs than downs.  God is GOOD!

Top 10 Leadership Lessons I've learned this year:

1) Surround yourself with GREAT people.  People who can look you in your eyes and people who you can TRUST.

2)  Always have a VISION and know the answer to these 3 questions:  1) WHAT are we doing?  2) WHY are we doing it?  3) WHERE do I fit in?  [advice from Andy Stanley]

3)  Set clear boundaries and stick to them, otherwise, a vision can easily be lost in chaos.

4)  Everybody is replacable in business.

5)  Know your competition, but don't fear them.

6)  There is such a thing as "necessary endings."  Know when it's time to prune the bush!

7)  Do not leave your Christianity in the parking lot.

8)  BIGGER is not always better.

9)  Ask for opinions.  Take suggestions.  Listen to concerns.  Make decisions based on what's right for the business and supports the long-term vision.

10)  Value diversity!!!


  1. Good lessons... Great advice!!

  2. Those are awesome! I think I need to write them down!!
